

By Tremaya Jimison, Gateway Junior Pet Guardian

Hi! Im Tremaya Jimison, one of three Gateway Junior Pet Guardians! I currently attend East St. Louis Senior High School with the other GJPGs.

I have always loved animals. They are just amazing, intelligent creatures that have always caught my attention. I currently only have one pet but I plan and desperately hope I can soon add another four-legged joy to my home. My cat, Peanut, is a very unique character that I can’t really explain with words. He’s an eight-year-old tabby that loves to snuggle – on his time, of course. He prefers to be an only pet so we have complied.

The reason I joined Gateway Pet Guardians was to explore and learn about careers that involve animals. One of the careers I’m interested in looking into is becoming an Animal Legal Defense Attorney, and my time with Gateway Junior Pet Guardians has helped me learn the basics of animal welfare that will give me a solid foundation for that career.

Since I’ve become a Gateway Junior Pet Guardian, I’ve helped save the lives of 10 animals and I hope to save many more. I’ve also learned that there’s a feeling of warmth in your heart when you see a dog that you rescued get adopted. In the end, no matter what direction life takes me, I will always remember Gateway Pet Guardians and I hope to continue my involvement with them even after I graduate from high school.


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